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Technology Working Group


Standards are needed to ensure adequacy and compatibility of dermatologic images as relates to resolution, processing (with special attention to color), technical metadata, compression, and encryption. The goal of the ISIC Technology Working Group is to help reach a consensus on such standards among stakeholders, disseminate this set of recommended standards, and encourage adoption of same. The ubiquitous availability of off-the-shelf digital cameras and smartphones has led to adoption of mobile imaging by both patients and clinicians, introducing considerable technologic diversity. Attention to the diversity and rapid evolution of digital imaging is needed in the development and dissemination of technology standards.


The Working Group is aiming at further publications on color standards and continues to work closely with ISIC’s industry partners to prioritize and address additional technology standards.
Color Standardization
Another major focus of the Working Group has been on standardization of color across the full cycle of image acquisition, processing, storage, and review. To this end, a White Paper on color standardization has been developed. (
Fiducial Markers
The Working Group has developed fiducial markers that are being explored as an aid to standardization.
Clinical Parameters for Dermatologic Images
In conjunction with the Technique Working Group, the Technology Working Group has used the Delphi consensus method to derive clinical parameters for the definition of adequate solutions for specific types of dermatologic images (e.g., overview vs. close-up imaging).


The AI working group's goal is to promote the development of accurate and effective computerized systems to aid melanoma diagnosis and clinical decision support by creating resources for and engaging the dermatology and computer science communities. 

We engage our stakeholder communities through meetings, publications and conferences. We also host AI grand and live challenges.

The Working Group is aiming at further publications on color standards and continues to work closely with ISIC’s industry partners to prioritize and address additional technology standards.
Color Standardization
Another major focus of the Working Group has been on standardization of color across the full cycle of image acquisition, processing, storage, and review. To this end, a White Paper on color standardization has been developed. (
Fiducial Markers
The Working Group has developed fiducial markers that are being explored as an aid to standardization.
Clinical Parameters for Dermatologic Images
In conjunction with the Technique Working Group, the Technology Working Group has used the Delphi consensus method to derive clinical parameters for the definition of adequate solutions for specific types of dermatologic images (e.g., overview vs. close-up imaging).



Josep Malvehy, MD

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona

New York, NY, USA

Barcelona, Spain

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona

Josep Malvehy, MD


Working Group Members

FotoFinder Systems, Inc.


Andreas Mayer



Florian Enzinger

Derma Medical Systems


Miron Josipovic


Paris, France

Maxime Cazalas


Munich, Germany

Philipp Andre

Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Japan


Minoru Takahashi

SCIBASE corp. Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Per Svedenhag

Dermavision corp.

Narcis Ricart

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nashville, TN, USA

Eric Tkaczyk, MD, PhD

Duke Dermatology

Durham, NC, USA

Drew Emge, MD

The University of Queensland

Brisbane, Australia

Liam Caffery, PhD

IBM T. Watson Research Center

Noel Codella, PhD

University of Girona

Girona, Spain

Rafael Garcia, PhD

Anatomy Mapper, Bravia Dermatology, Molenda Consulting

Toledo, OH, USA

Matt Molenda, MD

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


Giovanni Pellacani, MD

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona


Susanna Puig, MD

University of Girona

Girona, Spain

Josep Quintana, PhD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

New York, NY, USA

Veronica Rotemberg, MD

University of Missouri Health System


William Stoecker, MD

Hospital de Sant Pau.

Barcelona, Spain

Oriol Yelamos, MD, PhD

3GEN LLC and TransLite LLC


Nizar Mullani, BSc

Canfield Scientific Inc.


Doug Canfield, BS

Canfield Scientific, GmbH


Dirk Holle

Visiomed AG, Bielefeld


Peter Klar

Next Steps

  • Continue to work closely with ISIC’s industry partners to prioritize and address additional technology standards.

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